WesTrac Pty Ltd
For more than 30 years WesTrac has set the benchmark in equipment management solutions, providing customers across Western Australia, New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory with unrivalled support in the mining and construction industries. With a broad range of products, unmatched service network and leading-edge technology across Cat Connect and MineStar, including autonomous solutions, WesTrac offers customers a whole of life management model designed to make owning and operating equipment as easy, profitable and safe as possible.
WesTrac’s Technology Training Centre
Our Technology Training Centre in Collie is housed on 13 hectares, featuring two training rooms, a 789D off-highway truck, workshop, IT facilities and a huge test pad to enable a safe, controlled & purpose built training facility.
With Western Australia having the highest number of automated haulage trucks anywhere in the world, our Technology Training Centre is a vital resource in supporting future automation projects, as well as equipping existing and future workers with the essential skills to drive the industry forward.
The facility is the only Caterpillar Autonomous Training Facility in the world apart from Caterpillar’s own testing and training ground in Arizona, USA and we look forward to welcoming customers and trainees from across the Asia Pacific region.
For further information, visit the WesTrac website at www.westrac.com.au.
WA Head Office Location
128-136 Great Eastern Highway, South Guildford
WesTrac Technology Training Centre – Collie Location
154 Boys Home Rd, Palmer WA 6225
154 Boys Home Rd, Palmer WA 6225
08 9377 9444