Collie Western Riding Association
The Collie Western Riding Assoc welcomes members of all ages to have a go. You do not need to have western gear or even a western trained horse and you defiantly don’t need any prior knowledge of western events… It is a great way to see if you enjoy the western style before you buy all the gear and it helps to build confidence before you enter the show scene. All of the clubs members are knowledgeable horse people and are willing to give valuable advice on riding and training. The club meets fortnightly on a Saturday in the Collie Western Arena, next to the main show grounds. During the summer months we ride at 6pm and in winter we start at 1pm. Each rally consists of different activities and exercises that allow you and your horse to learn various aspects of western riding. Instructors will also give you plenty of tasks to work on at home to improve your horses’ movement and behavior. If you think it might be for you come and watch the riding and meet the people before you join. Read more
Opening hours
Meets every fortnight on Saturday
Wallsend Arena, Coombes Street
0408 933 825