South West Women’s Refuge (24Hrs)
If you or another person are in danger right now, phone Police on 000.
If you have a speech or hearing disability, you can contact Police in an emergency on TTY 106 or using other methods listed on the National Relay Service website.
If you are not in danger right now, you can ask for Police help and report domestic or family violence on 131 444.
If you have a speech or hearing disability and are not in danger right now, you can ask for Police help and report domestic or family violence using SMSAssist by texting 0403 277 478.
Help with Accommodation (including referral to a Women’s Refuge)
South West Refuge 9791 2894 – crisis accommodation, support and advocacy for women escaping domestic and family violence. Children with them are supported by our specialist Child Advocate. Cultural, language and disability access needs are met to the best of our ability, with help from other agencies when required.
Accordwest 1800 115 799 – crisis and transitional accommodation, private rental support, and tenant advocacy.
Alliance Housing 9791 5438 – community housing for people on low to moderate income.
Housing Authority Bunbury 9792 2111
Housing Authority Busselton 9781 1300
Waratah 1800 017 303 (after hours 1800 737 732) – counseling for people who have experienced sexual assault, sexual abuse, and/or family domestic violence.
South West Refuge Safe at Home progam 0488 095 065 – confidential support for women and children experiencing domestic and family violence to stay in their home, when it is safe to do so.