The Apprentice and Traineeship Company
Does your business want to employ an apprentice or trainee in Perth, Mandurah, Bunbury, Busselton, Wheatbelt, Great Southern or anywhere in the South West?
We are the extra layer of support for you and your apprentice – your own personal HR expert to handle all those tedious issues and problems!We free you up so you can run your business!The benefits for you are:• Quality Recruitment• Professional Selection• Hassle Free Administration• Monitoring and Counselling• Assessment Assistance• OSH Support• Reduced Risk
• Flexible Hire Terms
Are you looking for an apprenticeship or traineeship in Perth, Mandurah, Bunbury,
Busselton, Wheatbelt or Great Southern?
Whether you’re a job seeker, a school leaver, a school student or looking for a career change, we can help. We employ apprentices and trainees. We’re not a personnel agency or job search agency that just links you up with an employer
The Apprentice and Traineeship Company is one of the largest employers of youth in regional Western Australia and one of the largest Group Training Companies in WA.
Unit 8/ 10 Victoria Street Bunbury, Western Australia
(08) 9729 6666