Wambenger Trails
Collie has long been popular for adventure camping, water skiing and outdoor activities. Now, thanks to a $10 million State Government investment, Collie is set to become home to a world-class network of trails.
About the Project
The $10 million Collie Adventure Trails initiative will establish Collie as a premier trail adventure town to attract local, national and international mountain bike and bushwalking tourists, and support the local economy.
Collie’s topography and landscape provide mountain bike riders with an array of areas to enjoy and challenges to tackle. The spectacular Collie River, which stretches from the town through Westralia Conservation Park and Wellington National Park; imposing granite outcrops; lush vegetation; and steep and varied natural features create an ideal foundation on which to build the world-class trails network.
Trails brand
Part of the Collie Adventure Trails project is to develop a trails brand for Collie that will be used in marketing, promotion and that sets the tone and voice of the brand/trails. A strong brand has been an important component of successful trail destinations elsewhere in Australia and around the world. While Collie Adventure Trails has been the project working title, the brand development process has come up with a new name, logo and brand.
Local design
The Parks and Wildlife Service contracted a local Collie design and marketing company to assist in developing the trails brand and through a series of workshops and co-design with the community, the Collie trails brand has emerged. The brand and logo aim to express the unique personality of Collie as an emerging trail town.
Wambenger Trails
The brand name for the Collie trails is Wambenger Trails, Collie Western Australia.
The wambenger, or brush-tailed phascogale, is a small native marsupial relatively common in the Jarrah forests around Collie and is not well known, but full of energy and spirit – just like the people of Collie. The logo is a stylised wambenger.
The brand will be used in marketing, promotion and will set the tone and voice of the Collie trails. The brand and logo aim to express the unique personality of Collie and to capture the vision, values and purpose of Collie trails.
For more information about the Wambenger Trails, visit the project website
Photo © Frances Andrijich/Australia’s South West
(08) 9219 9000