CCCI 2024/25 Collie Business and Telephone Directory
Did you know that members of the Collie Chamber of Commerce receive an amazing 50% ADVERTISING DISCOUNT on the 2023/24 Collie Business and Telephone Directory? Advertising in the directory is reflected on the . The Collie Hub is the go-to place for any information on Collie businesses, community and sporting groups, resources, events and employment as well as increasing your own online presence.
Our directory is redesigned and published every financial year and is a great resource that is freely delivered to all households in Collie, local businesses, schools, Collie Hospital, and surrounding towns and supplied on demand. We print 5000 copies which ensures your organisation is marketed to all potential clients. New people to town love to receive a copy so we have the Real Estate Agents handing them out, as well as making them available at local accommodation facilities and the Visitor Centre.
Adverts can be supplied by you or alternatively, we are able to offer a design service at no additional charge. If you would like to make an appointment to design your advert, please contact our office or email: admin@colliechamber.asn.au
Please find below links to the advertising price list and membership information for your consideration.
Also on offer, this year is the option to include a self-printed A5 flyer for distribution with the Directory, feel free to contact the to discuss this option.
If you wish to be part of our great local reference please contact the Chamber on the details below.
The closing date for final proofs is the 31st March 2023.